Thursday, July 30, 2015

Identifying Carrier Waves of Hypnotic Experience

I know. WTF. "Identifying Carrier Waves of Hypnotic Experience". That's a hell of a title isn't it? I'll break it down, but first, I'm going to pose a question:

What do a roller coaster, guided meditation, any given musical composition, a speech, a movie, or a story all have in common? As you might suspect by the unoriginality of my approach that they are all carrier waves of hypnotic experience.

Don't look so surprised. I'm crazy.

Clearing Psychic Spaces

This is an old article of mine which gives at least an impression about how I consider psychology, spirituality, and our primal nature to all be the same thing.

Clearing Psychic Spaces

This is based on my experience of clearing psychic spaces is from a time when I was local 'paranormal guy' who knew about 'spirits and stuff'


Sometimes the new owners feel that the presence of the former owner is still in the house in some way and this has to be cleared out so that the new owner can psychically claim the space as their own. This is my pet theory, what to do about it, and how to go about it.

Magic in a Nutshell

Magic is an ever-deepening understanding of your self and the world in which you live. From this understanding follows a unique way of perceiving and interacting with your self and the world around you. Essentially, that's all there is to magic.

Begin Prog