Friday, February 26, 2016

Double Intermission

The first person who tells me how this relates to the occult gets a prize. How? Comments are below.


  1. Number of misconceptions in the occult? (Also, how many mages try to pass on the specifics of their own preferred school of magick as a universal, absolute truth, when rules that can't be broken are the only ones that matter? I remember reading that somewhere.)

    1. Good ones.

      The song is about how absurd it is that we know anything -- or at least knows anything that has meaning.

      There's no bedrock for that sort of thing and we're all just fooling ourselves. :)

    2. Etymology is the science that studies that. Worth checking out. :)

    3. The only use I've ever found for etymology is to provide alternate definitions, based on dead and archaic forms of language, for the use of people who want to unethically bend the definition of a word to their advantage and can get away with it because the stupid find "the ancient Greeks defined fool as wise man" as impressive anything written in Latin or simply shiny.

      But that's my opinion. :)

      How is it worth checking out?

    4. My bad. I meant epistemology.

      The field of study of knowledge. How we know, for example.

    5. As I understand epistemology, it's about how we know something (there are five rocks here) -- not how what we know means anything (gathering five rocks in the same place means Uggh gets five wishes granted by the cavedragon)

    6. Here's the thing: meaning is subjective at best. If the stock price of Google shoots up, that means completely different things to someone who bought the stock for the short term (I'm rich!) and someone who's short-selling it. (I'm ruined!)

    7. Epistemology and Semantics go hand-in-hand.

      Does any of that help?

    8. I haven't responded to this yet because it's bizarrely confusing. This is why.

      "Does any of that help?"

      Nothing was wrong. In what way were you trying to help? *so confused*

    9. And you seem to have completely missed the post above the one I just quoted.

    10. I forgot to ask the obvious: how does epistemology and semantics go hand in hand?

    11. I forgot to ask the obvious: how does epistemology and semantics go hand in hand?

  2. I think it's possible that we intended (meant) different definitions (the meaning of) for the meaning of the word "meaning". (The word "meaning" as lots n lots of "meanings")

    As definitions denote what words refer to, I accept that words are symbols which refer to something .. er .. symbolically as a stand in to what it refers to. In this case it's a " The Tao which can be spoken isn't really the Tao" kinda thing in that sense.

    An example of meaning as I meant it used in a sentence: "The business owner is angry and she's talking to my manager so that means I'm about to get fired." In this sentence it's a "Pull out the meaning from our rectal nethervoid and make it up as we go along" kind of thing.
