I couldn't get this to post as a comment at Mystic Journal ( https://mysticjournal.wordpress.com/2014/01/13/my-new-ish-way-of-thinking-about-magick/ ) so I slapped it down here.
j-man say: "You said you wanted to compare notes. What are your notes? Do you have them somewhere? I'd like to see what your experiences were and are.
Shawn (Me!) say:
The latest experience that you might find interesting happened few months ago: I accidently put Padowan into a full-on state of catalepsy. If you didn't know, it's also called "waxy flexibility" because your willing victim turns into pretty much an frozen, posable flesh statue for the duration of the state.
So, after that I had to take a step back and had to question if I wanted to continue with that kind of thing. It kinda put things into perspective for me and I've decided that if I'm going to be scratching around that brim again at that level that I'm know quite a bit more about what I'm doing.
Here's an article I wrote that describes what I was like and the kind of things I was doing around 2000 or so.
This kinda happened -- twice:
Here's a few of the surviving videos from the late 2000's when I was making videos either about Satanism, for Satanists, or both. I highly recommend them if you want to know who you've been talking with -- because that smiling' face in the videos is mine.
How to Be a Satanist
My views on controversial topics quickly and concisely explained
Vagina Satanism
Three Ironic Execution Mishaps
Some eratta taken from a "10 things about you" list I wrote fairly recently.
One era of my life was dedicated to exploring the effect of traditional entheogens first hand. Heh, this all started after I read Heaven and Hell / Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley. The kind of 'crystal mescaline' that Huxley experimented with wasn't available in the sticks so I consider this part of my life incomplete.
Another era was dedicated to a sort of religious tourism motivated by curiosity. I've done just about everything from trying to recruit for a new church face to face to babbling along with the Pentecostals. One thing you might not expect that I learned from the experience is that travelling preachers are armed to the fucking teeth.
Earlier than any of the above I started with my own naive psychological experiments. Stuff like hooking myself up to a GSR in various situations just to see how the signal varied (don't bother with this, it's a waste of time --- GSRs are really sloooHowever, there's this new Emotiv...) Another time I simulated blindness by using a wide strip of cloth and wadded up paper to cover my eyes.
Did the hoaxing thing for a bit. If you're a friend on Facebook you can check out the remnants of my faked ghost pictures in my photo gallery.
I've studied PUA for several years now and have been completely open about it with whoever my girlfriend at the time has been. As aweful as that has to sound, once they know why I'm into it and what certain PUAs like Eben Pagan are all about they're genuinely cool with it and offer a woman's perspective on it. I probably need to a write up of that but here's a video I made that will give you some idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a2ZE62nBEo. It's worth noting that not all PUAs are worthwhile in straight forward sense. Others, like the previously mentioned Eben Pagan are.
In addition to psychology (which is well known about me) I also study a bit here and there about stage magic, mentalism, NLP, hypnotism, etc. I've accidentally induced catalepsy (waxy flexibility) in willing subject (victim) and that changed things a bit for me. What I do is conversational hypnosis, and catalepsy belongs to the more traditional 'deep' hypnotic state. I accept now that's obviously where I'm headed with studying hypnosis so I'm going to start edumicating myself soon to get to that next level. Currently I'm rusty and my patter (not patterm) completely sucks. If you're interested in hypnosis, this is most likely the least rambly thing I've written about it. http://cyberneticmagick.blogspot.com/2016/02/hypnosis-in-nutshell.html
When I said compare notes, I meant share what we know in comments as the topic is appropriate. Maybe one of us has the other half of a puzzle one of us has been working on, or can point out something the other missed and generate some "aha!" moments.
I do have several composition books full of notes from classes / seminars on video and various projects I've done over the last couple of years but I can't be bothered to type them out as is. I mean, c'mon. :)
You've already seen some of my publically available notes at the Cybernetic Magick wiki (http://cyberneticmagick.wikidot.com).
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