Monday, February 15, 2016

Materialism: The 2,800 Year Old Virgin

First, there is the Thesis. 
Then, there is the Anti-Thesis. 
The Thesis takes a long look at the Anti-Thesis. She blushes. They make fuck all night long and 9 months later a Synthesis is born.

This is the birds and bees of Dialectics and a general sketch of how paradigms advance by transforming into new, sleeker, sexier paradigms.

And I know, what does this have to do with materialism?  Well, the main problem with materialism is that it's an anti-thesis that can't seem to get it on with the thesis and produce a synthesis. In fact, materialism's inability to get it on with any thesis is so bad that most women would consider it "one of those creepy guys" and personally, I'd say that it hates women and is a downright mysognist.

Hold on. There's a point to this. Promise. :)

There's an occult principle that says to be productive (produce something) there must be both a male and a female working together in unison.

This doesn't have to be an actual male animal and actual female animal actually fucking.[1] It can be anything: for example any electrical outlet in your house. The part that's offering it's willing orifices from the side of the wall like an expectant, bent over nympo is -- as you might as guessed -- the female part.[2] The plug with it's two proud and hard prongs which you push directly and confidently deep into the female wall socket is -- as is obvious at this point -- the male part. When they "fuck" something is produced, a pathway for electricity to flow into whatever you've plugged into the wall. [3]

At first, a thesis and anti-thesis seem to be opposite and thus incompatible, sorta like when the catchphrases you heard everyone saying was "girls suck eggs" and "boys stink". But as you get to know them (years pass in human terms here), you'll notice that they fit together like puzzle pieces. Or like the two old races from The Dark Crystal -- when the two old races combined at the end of the movie -- that's synthesis.[4]

The anti-thesis  exists only as a reaction to the thesis. For example, the difference between Batman and the Joker, or Superman and Lex Luthor, or The Doctor and the Master. [5]  To keep things simple, I'll use Superman and Lex Luthor as an example. Each of them represents different aspects of humans. [6] Simply put, Lex Luthor is the brains and Superman is the brawn. Sure, Superman's smart but he's not nearly as smart as Lex, super-genius. When Lex wins, it's because he outsmarted Sups. On the other hand, Lex can use his brains to build a robot suit that's pretty damn strong -- and which Superman can usually tear to peices.

The antithesis isn't functional by itself. For example:  Atheism is also a anti-thesis with same problem as materialism and you find them often within the same boat.  [7] Materialism claims that the universe is entirely made of stuff. More complex stuff is just made up of less complex stuff and interactions between that stuff. Ergo, there's no room for "god". Yet, materialism only exists because the universe was thought to be something else or be composed in part with something else (ala Dualism.) . Athiesm which (asserts there is no "god") only exists because someone first asserted there was.

And what's the upshot of atheism? Um....? None. Atheists, despite the fact that they ramble on and on about logic, science and critical thinking simply spin in circles. Yesterday it was the "No God" t-shirt. Today it's the "Where's your god now?" trucker hat. In short, atheism leads nowhere. Sure, someone who becomes an atheist from some belief systems which encourage the coercion of it's adherents "because the invisible man said so" will be free of the coersion, but not free of the t-shirt.

If you combine atheism with a belief system which asserts there is a "god" you get synthesis of something like what I am (athiests offended in 3...2...1): Satanism. We Satanists say that we are our own gods, in other words, we do what god in a belief system is believed to do. We don't let ANY outside authority hand down our own standards, goals in life, or tell us what's good and bad for us, We don't pray that "god" will do something for us, we get up off our ass and do it ourselves. We don't consider our lives to be in the hands of a "god" who works in mysterious ways -- our lives are our responsiblity. In comparison, the single critera for being an athiest is being able to make the negative assertion that there is no god. For a Satanist, that's self-denial to the point of negation. We're not atheists, we're I-theists.

Now, what's the upshot of materialism? Beyond the use of denying the possiblity of a god by atheists? None. It thinks down. Everything gets reduced to the interaction of atoms despite the fact that in my own experience, I've never directly dealt with anything at the atomic level. That alone makes it impractical and very often counter-productive.

There would be a positive side to it in that holism and systems thinking are inherent in it -- except the fact that holism and systems thinking are both completely independent of the reduction of materialism. They are valid no matter the "material" used and useful at multiple scales.

At any rate, it doesn't matter if materialism is true or not because there's this damned thing called emergence. Emergence is what happens when you combine two things and get a third thing which has properties that neither of them have alone. A gestalt kind of thing, where the sum of the parts are greater than the whole. For example, a single player tennis player has the ability to whack a ball and reverse it's direction; two tennis players, working together, have the ability to keep the ball confined within the space of the tennis court. This ability"emerges" from the interaction of two tennis players (facing opposite directions, hey, male and female) working together.

However, if you were to reverse the direction of one of the tennis players (make it gay, in a way)[7] The result is that two people are able to reverse the direction of the tennis ball from the same direction to the same direction and nothing emerges in the same way a same-sex couple can't produce children. [8]

As I said, it doesn't matter if materialism is true or not. This example of being emergence is material agnostic. It doesn't have to be two tennis players. You could bounce the ball in the hall of your house and the walls would act the same as the tennis players, at least in the way they keep it contained. But take away one wall and the ball escapes. You could simulate two paddles (ala Pong) on a computer and reverse the direction by multiplying the speed vector of the ball by -1 when it hits one of them.. That's right, the reversal is done using math. (Or is it done by electrons screaming across a circuit board. Fact: it doesn't matter. The principles are material-independent.) But, if you were to take away one of the simulated paddles, off the screen the ball goes.

In the end, materialism, with it's focus on reductionism, fails to see the magick of holism, systems, and most of all, emergence. I'm aware that materialism also claims to consider the interaction between stuff but it doesn't consider the principles of interaction which are "material independent" and can be applied across different types of material or even as electrons screaming across a circuit board with no moving parts.. So, it's also kinda stupid. (Derp -- atoms?)

In my next post, I'm going to show that materialism is actually psychological. This, of course, is the synthesis of dualism and materialism. As I pointed out ealier, materialism only exists because some assertion was made that the universe was made of somthing else. Actually, to clarify, the structure of the definition of (modern) materialism (It's ONLY stuff) allows the indentification of the original thesis which spawned it: dualism, which contains that extra something that materialism neurotically denies. (ONLY STUFF EXISTS!!!)[9]

Stay frosty.


[1] Because lots of things fuck! Look around! :)

[2] There's a reason I'm using this kind of language. Sexual metaphors are common in some old-school forms of occultism like Kabbalah because they're appropriate. Consider it a form of non-sexual innuendo. (To be non-sexual innuendo, it has to be sexual language. Otherwise, there'd be no context from which to ... er... innuendo from.) Another example of non-sexual innuendo is the following song. It's not about sex at all, but the general attitude of the autotelic personality.

Wait, there is another:

Oh, no, I didnt!

[3] It's not lost on me at this moment that the greatest danger from a wall socket is "fingering" it.

[4] Actually, it was more of a re-synthesis because they separated from their whole state when the Dark Crystal cracked and so the two old races were never meant to exist separately. This, of course, doesn't pertain to my point at all, I'm just geeking out here.

[5] Uh, Missy, uh, the Mistress. God damn you Moffat for making the character work! :)

[6] I know. Kal-El is kryptonian, but that only really means that he's more or less human with superpowers. Super - Man: Duh?

[6] As some numbnutz said to me once: "I find materialism to be the ultimate expression of athiesm. Note here that his "ultimate expression" of a groupthink ideal doesn't require him to do anything except attempt to sound badass while saying it.

[7] The type of "gayness" represented in this example only relates to having two things with the same sex in the way that two north or two south sides of a magnet have the same sex. Remember, non-sexual innuendo metaphors and sheeeet. And, by the way, the first person who says that this is about homophobia is retarded.

[8] Yes, I know they can adopt but I have no opinion as to whether or not they should. First, it's their business and I respect that to not interfere with my opinon (that would require me having my head shoved up my ass), secondly, should is an obsene word.

[9] In other words, I'm going to help materialism get laid for the first time.

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