Sunday, February 14, 2016

On Life, The Universe, Everything

This is the most accurate thing I can say about myself: I dunno.

This is the most accurate thing about the universe: I dunno.

It's not that there aren't any easy answers (as I'm likely to point out for a different reason) but that there are NO answers whatsoever.

There's local knowledge which can be tested to be true. For example, you're reading words right now. The thing is, all local answers require a context to exist in, or at least have a basis.

For example, you can look at a spoon and see it's spoon. (The factitude of spoon is unquestionable for most people.) But, we're not actually seeing a spoon, we're seeing the light which bounces off the spoon. If the basis of how it is that we see light is questioned, well, then you begin to enter the rabbit hole where I live.

What I'm pointing out is that when you question the basis of anything, you find out that we don't know anything. This is why adults find it annoying when a kid asks "why?" after every answer -- eventually the question will have to be answered by "I dunno" and that's something adults generally don't like to do.

I'm not one of them. I've never stopped asking "how come?" and I can be just as annoying to those types who want easy answers to everything.

For me, every answer raises more questions and that's a metric buttload of fun. Here we are, suspended deep in a sea of mystery not knowing anything yet most people make it up as they go along and believe what they make up. I'm not one of them -- for me the universe is always new and interesting, with some mystery right in front of me waiting to be discovered and solved, then to be innovated, reverse engineered, and hacked, and finally to used as a basis for creating something new.

So, I can only really say that the universe and everything in it is a total mystery to me. Well, it's more than that -- it's a playground.

All I've ever been missing in my life is playmates who enjoy the playground as much as I do.

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